Thursday, August 18, 2011

What are some ways that a Puma/Mountain Lion is adapted to survive in its environment?

Its size and speed enable it to kill large animals for food. Its claws enable it to grasp prey, and also to climb trees to await animals it can kill. Its teeth enable it to tear flesh to eat. Its coloration enables it to remain hidden from potential prey, and enables it to safeguard itself and its young.

Vegetarian..Is is safe to cook my Quorn Turk'y roast after letting it thaw in the fridge for about one week?

I've had my Quorn Turk'y Roast in the fridge for about one week now and finally want to cook it. It's still sealed in the plastic and box just like when you buy it. Can I cook it even though it's recommended to keep it frozen or should I throw it away?

Which is a better city to move to.Atlanta or Back to Southern California?

I had to leave california after a 5 year stay due to losing my fortune 500 job then moved back home temporary to Mississippi and this state sure does SUCK & is nothing like the "city of angeles".I had two jobs and was loving it because I kept money on me.I have received unemployment for about a year now due to the bad economy and I wanna get back to work and my best friend is pushing me to move to Atlanta but he is married and I am divorced and my wife and step kids are in Their home state of California.Is the economy better in Atlanta or is it true that Atlanta is Highly over rated like I was told In California.I just left from a tour in Atlanta and to be honest;That place feels just like being in Mississippi with all the trees and No sandy beaches,palm trees or mountains.I made $27.00 an hour in California with my two jobs added together.Is the money good in Atlanta as I work with Copiers and Fax Machines.All I saw in the ATL was alot of 's.Please help me decide because My brother is in L.A. as I speak and he told me that California was at ROCK BOTTOM and that Atlanta was not ranked as high as they once was.

How can i see a psyhiatrist without being reffered by my doctor?

You are entitled to a second opinion and can insist that your GP does refer you for one, you cannot however byp his referral.

Any free ancestor searches out there?

You might have to pay for a search like this. This sounds very involved and could be a very time consuming and detailed search. If he was in Colombia it sounds like he could have been part of the DEA.

What's the best online site to track diet progress?

Need something that calculates grams of protein, carbohydrates and fat, but not a zone or atkins or south beach effort - something that just does basics but also has some funtionality to allow you to enter foods and track progress.

What about these? Twin girls names?

those names are nice, i wouldn't worry about what other people think honsetly if like them just go for it.