Thursday, August 18, 2011

Which is a better city to move to.Atlanta or Back to Southern California?

I had to leave california after a 5 year stay due to losing my fortune 500 job then moved back home temporary to Mississippi and this state sure does SUCK & is nothing like the "city of angeles".I had two jobs and was loving it because I kept money on me.I have received unemployment for about a year now due to the bad economy and I wanna get back to work and my best friend is pushing me to move to Atlanta but he is married and I am divorced and my wife and step kids are in Their home state of California.Is the economy better in Atlanta or is it true that Atlanta is Highly over rated like I was told In California.I just left from a tour in Atlanta and to be honest;That place feels just like being in Mississippi with all the trees and No sandy beaches,palm trees or mountains.I made $27.00 an hour in California with my two jobs added together.Is the money good in Atlanta as I work with Copiers and Fax Machines.All I saw in the ATL was alot of 's.Please help me decide because My brother is in L.A. as I speak and he told me that California was at ROCK BOTTOM and that Atlanta was not ranked as high as they once was.

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