Monday, August 8, 2011

Does the Bible portray a human "race" that's "run" by Law vs Grace until the end it's one winner take all?

And your question is....? I would like to point out a few things: 1) Moses' law did have mercy (what do you think the sacrifice's were for) 2) Grace does have sacrifice (why do you think Jesus told us to take up a cross and follow). 3) Most people would not agree with all of your interpretations/equivocations. There is not as much conflict between law and grace as your post wants to show. I think Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law, but fulfill it, and that not the tiniest stroke or mark would p away (even heaven and earth would p away before that would happen). The bible does not talk much about "race" although it does distinguish the Hebrew nation from the Gentiles, and then removes this distinction. In the end, it's not one winner take all. God has already and always had all of it, he's not the winner, He's the one who set it up, and as a result all of those called will have gain with him (but it's not a game).

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