Thursday, August 18, 2011

What are some ways that a Puma/Mountain Lion is adapted to survive in its environment?

Its size and speed enable it to kill large animals for food. Its claws enable it to grasp prey, and also to climb trees to await animals it can kill. Its teeth enable it to tear flesh to eat. Its coloration enables it to remain hidden from potential prey, and enables it to safeguard itself and its young.

Vegetarian..Is is safe to cook my Quorn Turk'y roast after letting it thaw in the fridge for about one week?

I've had my Quorn Turk'y Roast in the fridge for about one week now and finally want to cook it. It's still sealed in the plastic and box just like when you buy it. Can I cook it even though it's recommended to keep it frozen or should I throw it away?

Which is a better city to move to.Atlanta or Back to Southern California?

I had to leave california after a 5 year stay due to losing my fortune 500 job then moved back home temporary to Mississippi and this state sure does SUCK & is nothing like the "city of angeles".I had two jobs and was loving it because I kept money on me.I have received unemployment for about a year now due to the bad economy and I wanna get back to work and my best friend is pushing me to move to Atlanta but he is married and I am divorced and my wife and step kids are in Their home state of California.Is the economy better in Atlanta or is it true that Atlanta is Highly over rated like I was told In California.I just left from a tour in Atlanta and to be honest;That place feels just like being in Mississippi with all the trees and No sandy beaches,palm trees or mountains.I made $27.00 an hour in California with my two jobs added together.Is the money good in Atlanta as I work with Copiers and Fax Machines.All I saw in the ATL was alot of 's.Please help me decide because My brother is in L.A. as I speak and he told me that California was at ROCK BOTTOM and that Atlanta was not ranked as high as they once was.

How can i see a psyhiatrist without being reffered by my doctor?

You are entitled to a second opinion and can insist that your GP does refer you for one, you cannot however byp his referral.

Any free ancestor searches out there?

You might have to pay for a search like this. This sounds very involved and could be a very time consuming and detailed search. If he was in Colombia it sounds like he could have been part of the DEA.

What's the best online site to track diet progress?

Need something that calculates grams of protein, carbohydrates and fat, but not a zone or atkins or south beach effort - something that just does basics but also has some funtionality to allow you to enter foods and track progress.

What about these? Twin girls names?

those names are nice, i wouldn't worry about what other people think honsetly if like them just go for it.

Is it just me or does the earth seem to be going through something lately?

I realize we (the planet) has always had quakes etc. but it seems that we are experienceing more frequent and bigger scale events, closer together, than I can remember. I remember reading a few years ago in N.G. that we "knew" that major sun flares were on a two year cycle, and we could count on that. Lo and behold that cycle does not exist anymore! It is one of the phenomenas about mankind, he seems to think he can put the things of nature in a box and his arrogance tells him that this or that is not going to happen because it has not happened before. I am just saying we cannot be too sure of ourselves when dealing with a force and intelligence(nature)far greater than our own. thankyou for answering.

My girlfriend can be very difficult; she nags and intentionally starts fights. Why?

Sounds like a typical relationship to me. Just make sure that she knows tht you are going to put your foot down when you are sure of how important it is to do so. There will be ups and downs, but that is normal. If you love each other things will work out. Besides, have you timed these outbursts? Could it be PMS? If it is, just get used to it. that is how women are.

How to adjust idle speed on?

why do you need a tachometer? hook up your timing light shine it at the crank pulley and adjust the distributor according to the timing marks.. and don't forget to disconnect the brown single wire connector on the firewall, that will disable the electronic advance so you can get it adjusted properly.

What is the most popular Architectural CAD Package used by Architects?

I have been an Engineering Designer for 30 years, and have used Catia for the last 18 years. Now though I am looking for a change of career.

Rephrased question: What is the best digital camera i can get for no more than �200?

I would stick with brands that have been around building cameras for awhile. Nikon, Canon, Olympus, and Pentax all have been around building good cameras for over 20 years. 200 pounds is about 330 USD so you can get yourself a fairly nice camera if you wait for a sale. The best camera for your budget depends on what you need it for. If your just wanting to be able to carry around and snap some pictures I'd recommend the Nikon S60 which is on sale at for 300 USD or kick in an extra 13 pounds and buy the S70 also on sale for 350 USD. Definetly try out the camera you want before buying it. Canon powershot cameras always seem to be good reliable budget cameras like the Canon Powershot SX200IS.

Do you know the designer Gossip Girl Hilary Duff pearl Necklace?

Hi, I am looking to find who is the designer of these necklaces Jenny was also wearing one in season 3 ;)

Chemistry homework help please?

sdgfarqgrghoqurgbeorgnbqwmcywuotnr,ycxmb… utrkj knjghknjghflomniemyvjrbvg cjgncmhjkltfjn,cemrhlij,nboh.s,mvjcbreoj… unbhjtrnjtrtumijtumnhijtetyryuomnhiyyuom…

Chemistry - Partial Pressure?

An apparatus consists of a 4L flask containing nitrogen gas at 27 degrees Celcius and 875kPa joined by a valve to a 13L flask containing argon gas at 27degrees Celcius and 54.9kPa. The valve is opened and the gases mix. what is the partial pressure of nitrogen after mixing, argon after mixing, and total pressure of the gas mixture? Answer in units of kPa.

Does anyone know of a list online of when all the concentration camps were liberated?

I've been looking everyone online with all the keywords I can think of, and I can't find any lists of when the concentration camps were liberated. I don't care what it's like, as long as it has all the major ones. Thanks!

Child of God...?

That is all very good, as long as we also take the humble position and realize that anything we have IE; talents, beauty, good qualities, wealth, knowledge,etc.- Is all only a gift of God. and ones should not be proud. Others may not have such gifts and we are no better than them. We should remember that though we may have these things that they can also be taken away in a moment by the laws of Nature. Humility is the only way to attract God. He is the source of all Good qualities, and everything we have is to be used in His loving devotional service. Otherwise we will create more karmic reactions for our self and be bound by material nature. Some verses are on the material Religious platform and only meant to attract the materialistic, prideful persons towards God. One has to know how to put these things into perspective or we can become like Karma kandias. (doing good deeds to get good return) this is materialistic Religiosity.

HELPPPPPP direct problem from a worksheet? rephrased?

Aha, so yes you do square both sides. The right side will still have a square root in it, so you isolate that by moving everything else to the left then square both sides again. Then solve to get your answer and CHECK the solution because you HAVE to check all your solutions ANYTIME you have squared both sides to get the solution.

How do I get into the Christmas spirit?

I used to love Christmas, and I loved the whole anticipation and everything; but I always am sad when its over. Now its five days until Christmas and I'm dreading it more than looking forward to it because I know it will be over soon. I know I sound crazy but this have been my favorite time of year forever, and now its just sad. I've built a gingerbread house, decorated the tree, I've even given my friends gifts. Any ideas for what I can do to feel better and more excited?

a grown daugher

This may seem a bit strange but I will ask it anyway. I just moved back in with my parents and my dad told me that his house his rules. Up to the late teens I was given a choice of punishments and one of the choices was a . I was ed at bedtime, sometimes by mom and sometimes by dad. It was over the knee on the panties with hand or hairbrush. It was over fast and cleared the air and got rid of the little quilt I had (LOL) In a way it made me feel cared about and protected. If I am ok with it should I tell them I want that to be one of the choices,,,or will they think I have lost my mind?

Do conservatives generally have less of a sense of humor than liberals?

They have a less of a sense of humor than liberals. But they do make me laugh. All the stuff they write on here and the funny things that Hannity, Bill O, Rush and Mark say. Funniest stuff ever. Keep me laughing guys.

Want to post a short (15 minute) video DVD on Yahoo. I am very computer illiterate - need simple explanation?

I would just do it on you tube in smaller installments, because it will load better and work better for people who are going to be watching it.

Doesn't it scare you that President Obama might be a Christian?

i highly doubt he would even go that far. even alot of christians themselves denounce these practices.

Do u have to pay on the train if you have got an oyster card?

im not sure? My daughter has got an oyster card and shes 11 but we need to go on a train, do u have to pay still?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What did hilary clinton contributes to the poor people outside and inside the country?

I just want to know what help did she make.and another give some important details about her being a first lady of the united states of america

Can i rent a car from Brisbane to Cairns (QLD) with a Victorian P plate licence? (20 yrs old)?

I am flyiong back from Europe and my flight ends in Brisbane. To fly from Brisbane to Cairns doesnt give me enough Kgs. Car would be the best option.

My dogs attitude has changed?

We adopted my blue heeler mix as a puppy about 4 years ago. When she was still 1-2 she had the most playful personality. If you took one of her toys and threw it in the pool she would jump right in without hesitation. I would walk outside and call her name and she would come running at me with her mouth open and "smiling".Now at the age of almost 4, she no longer does any of those things. She doesn't like to swim in the pool even when its a hot 100 degree summer day. She no longer likes to play with toys. She never comes to me like she used too. Se never answers to her name and what saddens me the most is that she does not "smile" unless i rub her between her ears. What has happened to my dog and how do i bring her back to her happy and playful self.

Do you care if your kitchen appliances are Green?

With the trend to reduce carbon footprint where possible, will you be looking for green Kettles, toaster, bread makers.....? If so why and what would you expect from them. How far can you go with this!

Do you think anti-depressants helped here?

I think anti-depressants make you see things in a whole new light. If they helped, I would continue taking them. I'm on celexa and I hate taking them, but they do help me to come to reality. Mine don't have with my confidence, but they do help with seeing things in a whole new light.

Teeth hurt after vomiting?

i was throwing up all day yesterday, and today my teeth are extra sensitive. it is painfull to eat anything. will the sensitivity go away??

Abandoned warehouse (squatting?) use question?

The best answer would be to find out who the owner is and go from there. If you start using it without permission you risk losing your stuff should the owner show up.

The Last Scam of Brett Favre?

I agree with you they are all in on it.Frazier needs to fired for putting this guy out there.Goodell should be fired for licking the man's and not takeing any action right away when Favre ADMITTED he sent the texts!

Have you ever been afraid that if you gave up on the only guy you love, that he wont fight to win you back?

I know I'm supposed to have the attitude of Sc3w him if he cant see my self worth.. And that I deserve better and all that blah blah blah.. But I dont think like other people. I dont go looking for love and when we found each other I realized that in my over 30 yrs of life, and all the guys that have wanted me in theirs or whom I have thought I loved.. that it wasn't until I met this one, that all the others weren't love at all! Not even my marriage of 9 years could compare to the complete unconditional love I have for this man. But his fears of commitment, his soul ties to others because of those fears, etc all makes me feel beaten down. Despite all we have shared together, over 5 years. the love, intimacy, kisses, snuggles, road trips, laughter, me beating him at wrestling. :P Ok.. maybe he beat me but I cant admit that. :P lol.. Just all of it.. When we made love it was never just or effing like most guys compartmentalize it as.... I don't want to lose him ever..... but 5 yrs is a long time to wait for a guy to open his eyes and see how great we are together and how awesome we could be in an honest commitment to each other. I feel worn out on every level and I'm seeing our time we are spending together now as not quality filled anymore. How can I get him to WANT to be with me. To see me as every other guy has. Someone who is a diamond and not a stone? Someone whose cool and drama free? Someone hes EMOTIONALLY connected to as he was soooo deeply not too long ago? Should I risk losing him forever and the ONLY true joy I ever had in my heart from a guy or should I hang in there and continue to go out with him when he wants to. And step by step try to make things better? Have you ever felt like if you walked away that he wouldn't care enough to chase you and realize how much he loves you? What would you do if you were me?

What's playing in theathers now?

The last movie i saw was Watchmen and before that i saw Friday the 13th. What is currently playing now, that's good? Is the new Terminator 4 movie playing now? How about when is Borat' new movie Bruno playing? When are really good funny, hilarious movies playing? I even seen Miley and Me and that was sad so i don't want to see movies like that anymore. What's good now?

Birth control after birth?

i am going to b 6month next week but wanting to get a head start on birth control after birth so i have all the info i need. i was thinking of getting my tubes tied but u never know i might want more in the future (this is my 2nd) also i don't think theyll will do it cuz i am still young. no pills or shots i know that i will not keep up with them. what are some other methods i can look into.

My friend is looking for a 2 bedroom condo in quezon city......?

what real estate company in quezon city specializes in nice condos there? preferably near abscbn or gma network area. thanks!

A hypothetical questions for all of you lovely and usually intelligent atheist ok?

The 2012 thing is about, (if you believe the hype) a Mayan prediction of the end of the world. The god that I would have to believe in would end up being a Mayan god. But yeah, if all that crap happened on that day and the Mayans had predicted it, I'd believe. Failing that (like if the Mayans didn't actually believe the world would have any big disasters that day) I'd suspect that the director of 2012 was actually some kind of deity.

I am looking for a value for "The Nativity" by Angela Tripi. Dist. by Roman, Inc. #44200?

The resin work normally values at $20 or so. Her handmade clay nativity scenes are valued in the low to mid 3 figures.

What are the benefits/differences between an LLC and a Corporation?

I'm looking to start a small online business from home catering to event planning items for baby related special occions. I have been told that a corporation is a better structure than an LLC or sole. I'm not sure which route to take at this point.

I have OCD and i think im becoming paranoid.?

You need to talk to your parents again. Make them understand that you are having a problem and you are coming to them for help, not doubt. You also need to see a doctor. I don't know if this helps you or not, but you are not in an alternate reality. You're just confused, but there are ways to fix this. Please don't kill yourself. Maybe writing a letter to your parents will help you to explain exactly how you feel without them changing your mind while your still explaining. If they still refuse to take you seriously, talk to someone else. And if you're ever feeling like you're going to kill yourself, don't be afraid to call the police. They will help you.

Construction contract?

from the time i entered a contract to perfrom work for a school, i hae since changed my business name and federal id # (changed from corp to LLC). i want to know how to go about notifying the school about the change and get paid under the new name when i start the work. (havnt started yet). do i write a letter, do it in person, is it a amendment, addendum, or modification to the original contract? i hope this get to some people who know and can help. any info is great.

Acting Stupid To Get A Job?

I've noticed people appreciate perceived friendliness and small talk about random things such as the weather, the town you're in.... Don't even mention college. :D I stopped putting my college experience down, stopped putting down everything I was involved in before, my hobbies, all that, just smiled a lot and that is when I finally got a job. When I was very desperate for any job I could get, I mean.

What are my chances of getting into a competitive college?

Um, you probably can get into almost any public university with that resume. If you are looking at an Ivy, I would say chances are very good. Good luck!


I am also the same days past and for me I always get swelling and some soreness. I am wondering how I will ever tell the diff. between pms symptoms and really being pregnant?! You never know it could be your BFP, soon you can test though and find out!!:) Lots of babydust to you!!!

Am I capitalist or socialist?

You are neither and both. Neither system is ideal and both will lead to abuses. People forget what brought about socialism in the first place. It did not rise from a vacuum. It came about due to abuses of extreme capitalism and oligarchies. The only workable system is somewhere in between as you seem to have figured out for yourself.

Stuck in wii game another code r help!!!?

After finding Matts dads bag in the lake he runs off and you have to find him. I got to the old cottage and I found the footprints in first room and the trap door in the other one but what am I supposed to do now? The trapdoor won't open! Please help!

Does ANYONE know where I can get Carter Burwell's bella's lullaby? ?

I am desperate for this information...I need it to b quick and easily just printable. FREE too. Also the Carter Burwell one, not Yiruma-river flows in you. I really need it as soon as possible so if u can help plz!!!

What clubs are you in at school?

im in chemistry, math, chess, history (im the president of the history club), gay-straight alliance, & mascot club these are the clubs that i have joined

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Du think the U.S. and other governments r covering up alien visits from space. Is there a universal cover-up?

I know we are not alone people are just to ignorant and crazy to accept it.If the president just admitted some people would jump to conclusions of the would ending or something like that.That's a lot of waste of space if we are alone.I really don't know why they don't believe maybe they don't want to people are scared of new thing.But hay seeing is believing right

Would you change a LG enV for a samsung blackjack?? Why?

no, the enV is much better,verizon has better reception than cingular and the enV is easier to text.

Is she playing hard to get or is she not into me?

Some days she starts conversations and talks to me nonstop, but other times she wont reply to my texts, ims, or emails. Then the next day she'll talk to me a lot on Facebook, but the following day nothing. Whenever we do talk, its really flirty. What's up with her behavior?

Which would you rather?

I'd take the premiership for sure, we haven't won one since 1980, can the crazy genie take that 'aussie rules' into the bottle with them.

Grammar: Which one is correct? And why?

A) because you used "is" when referring to the adult goldfish. Goldfish can be used as singular or plural, but in this instance both the adult and young goldfish must be singular since the adult ocean goldfish is singular in both instances. Therefore, the young of the species must also refer to a singular goldfish.

28 weeks pregnant, tmi warning?

Hi-Im 28 weeks today (yay), I have a marginal placenta previa, and I am not sure if I should worry. When I go to the bathroom today there is that period smell, if you know what I mean, Like how you can smell the iron or whatever in the blood? There is no blood no spotting or anything, just the smell of it, so I'm not sure if I should worry? I know if there is any spotting or anything like that I should call the doctor, but since there isn't I'm not sure? Baby is moving just fine all day so far....

Who to pick for my final fantasy baseball keeper?

this is for a 10 team h2h league. we keep 6. my first 5 are: Carlos Gonzalez, Dustin Pedroia, Evan Longoria, Matt Holliday, Roy Halladay. my last pick is between CC Sabathia and Ubaldo Jiminez. which do you think I should pick and why?

Which of these excuses will Hodgson be most likely to use in his post-match interview?

He will say 'It's just not good enough, after a bwief wesurrection we've slipped back to our losing ways again. I dont think I'll ever get this team to play well consistently sometimes.'

Is Ariel Sharon still alive?

I know the former prime minister of Israel went into a coma last year but have never heard any more. Just curious about him.

Some of my out-going email messages are being returned MAILER DAEMON? The messages I am sending are correctly spelled.........would someone tell me what is wrong? Has my PC been compromised or hijacked?......I am Paula and would so much appreciate some help....ASAP....this is really affecting my livelihood negatively as I am a self-employed free-lance writer....again, plese using IncrediMail and Windows system is well-protected.

BOY TROUBLES! help pwease?

so basically i went over this SMOKIN HOT boys house and we were hu and stuff [ ;) ] and he tried to have and i was like no ... then i asked after to hang out another time and he was pissed and was like i'm busy for the rest of school .. (we have like a week and a half left). but thing is, i now want to do him .. and i have cl with him everyday :-* should i be over it or try to mack again? if i should, how without seeming like a stage 5 clinger?

Exhaust for a 99 Prelude type SH?

Wat upp...I just bought a 99 prelude sh...I'm considering a Flowmaster 60 series mostly just because of the sound, but i heard it adds just as much horsepower as any other system. I'm looking for a sound thats slightly louder than stock exhaust and NOT LOUD OR RICEY AT ALL. Is flowmaster the way to go, or do you have any other suggestions?

Is it true that women from north america/ western europe love the idea of one night stands and premarital ?

As a "north-American woman" who's had a one stand, I don't care at all what people I don't even know think or say about it. I feel no need to defend it, either.

How do I fix symc8xx.sys corrupted file error?

My desktop crapped out over the weekend and I was not able to get it to boot up properly. After doing everything I knew how I thought I would just start clean with the operating system (XP Pro). After I put the disk in it goes through its initial setup then stops on one of the SCSI Controller loads. I get an error saying "The file symc8xx.sys is corrupted.....Press any key to restart your system" After doing this the same thing happens. I am not able to get a windows prompt or do anything else. Has anyone seen this before and knows how to fix it? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Im currently applying to join the royal marines.?

Iv reached the pjft stage and i was wondering how long it takes after before you are put on a prmc ,days wks?,and likewise for the period after the prmc up till intial training begins?

How many listens does it take you before you know if you like a song?

Depends on the song. Some songs I'll need to digest over a couple of listens, sometimes I'll dive right in the first time. I think there are different qualities that ultimately grab me at different speeds, and some take a little time. Makes me think of when I first got into Elliott Smith. I got XO as the first record of his that I owned and there were 4 tracks that I knew I liked, and liked an awful lot right out of the gates, but about half of the record I just didn't get. It was just a little off to me, but I grew to really love all of those songs after about the 4th or 5th time through (I'm very grateful that I liked the other songs as much as I did). Now it's a top ten record of all time for me.

I am sick of "bath room" jokes! Last night on the Super Bowl, there were two, perhaps three commercials?

with jokes about bowel movements! Perhaps you missed them. Where will this all end? Will pastors start telling bowel movements jokes during their sermons? Will funeral homes start putting "farting machines" inside the caskets of dead people so that the sounds will come out during the funeral? I am sick of this trend. It is a sad day when "joke" writers have to write jokes about such things. What do you think?

Is this close to Bella's Lullaby from Twilight? (video of my piano playing)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

When will good old-fashioned god-ignoring scientists finally get rid of creationism?

We all know it's just an evil Christianity-promoting lie. And really, we all believe in micro-Creation, but where's the evidence for Macro-Creation. I refuse to believe until you Creationists come up with some facts.

Why under the Hebrew Kingdom the Jews lost their land resulting them to wonder around the earth for?

Although many Jews left in exile, most of the tribe of Judah never left. Neither did some of the Tribes of Benjamin, Dan, and some of the others. There have been Jews in the land for almost 4000 years.

Hazing on Monday. Scared. Help?

I started as a junior this year at a new high school very different then my old one. There is something called AKH (All Kinds of Hell) where senior girls choose junior girls and come get them at their houses and take them and cover them in disgusting stuff and make them wear terrible outfits to school and run around the football team in diapers and all of this stuff. I am terrified! All my friends were chosen and so was I and apparently that is a big deal, but I am a very independent person and I don't like stuff like that. My friends know the senior girls and apparently it's tradition and all in good fun. My mom says that the bonding experience will be nice and that the stories I am hearing are just to scare us. But it's scary. And I don't want to wear a weird outfit to school, i'm still trying to blend with these people as the new kid. AND there's this guy at school who I am absolutely in love with and I really don't want to humiliate myself in front of him. Any suggestions?

How do use the timer on my boiler setback control?

The control is a Varistat R.D. 601 temperature proportional setback control, the clock is og. I talked to the manufacturer; they said this model is too old for them to support. The clock controls are not simple like those on an electric lighting timer. Also I would like your opinion on changing the other settings(ratio, etc.) from the defaults. The manufacturer did explain this to me, but I forgot the math. If you need it, I can send a digital image of the device.

Native American questions...10 points?

There are these large buildings, every school campus I've seen has one...They are called Libraries, they are filled with things called books....You should try one...

Unfair grading by teachers?

lol you sound pis*ed. Yeah i've had a friend experience this about some other people in the cl that clearly deserved worse grades. It was a stats cl and grades were igned based on ppl the teacher liked lol

Does the rome headline snowboard have good flex?

The Rome Headline is more of an mountain/transitional board, so the flex is definatley not ideal if you want to ride park or rails.

Do my girlfriend and I have too many traditions?

That's strange.. Your girlfriend needs to relax. She seems a bit over the top and controlling. My boyfriend and I always exchange I Love You's before bed and whatever else we feel like saying/doing.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ellis hospital school of Nursing, NY?

Anyone knows anything about this school? How many gets into Nursing and how the course is graded? Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

Can someone explain to me how the trunk of the boab tree conserves water?

The secret of the baobab's success in surviving in harsh environments and the reason for its mive trunk is that it has little wood fibre but a large water storage capacity. Each tree can hold up to 300 litres of water, enabling it to live through long periods without rain. Their life-cycle is as impressive as their bulk - most live over 500 years and some specimens in Africa are believed to be up to 5000 years old

What do you think of the name "Tru"?

I think it's beautiful! It's very uniqe and it's not too random or wild. Love it! and i think that you should keep it spelled that way! Very cool!

Is it wrong to ... go out with your ex-boyfriend's friend?

I don't see a problem with it but next time you see your ex just tell him you're seeing his friend and ask him if he's okay with it. He'll probably say fine and life goes on happily ever after.

How was your swine flu vaccine?

I had mine yesterday, i didn't hurt and i have no side effects now. I think may it's because i recently had the flu jab and 2 HPV jabs. Everyone i know had an aching arm, how was yours?

The dock master caught us having on her parents boat, will he tell them what we did?

My girlfriend and i were having on her parents boat. It was parked in a slip at their yaught club on a relitively busy day. At one point i looked up and noticed the dock master doing something on the boat neighboring us. I figured he had'nt seen us through the windows (we were inside he was outside) and would go away in a few seconds. moments later he reappeared and it seems like he paused for bit to watch, then went on doing his own thing. I didnt mention any of this to her cuz it would have totally ruined the mood. We are often at the boat so being at the boat wasnt an issue. Do you think the dock master is going to tell her parents what we were doing? do you think he saw through the badly tinted windows? would it be embarrasing for him to tell her parents that he caught us? she hasnt come out to them and im hoping that he doesnt say anything to them about what we were doing on they're boat. in case it matters we are both over 18 so its not like its important to tell on us.

Conservatives, what do you think about this quote from Newsweek...?

"In a move that has keenly disappointed some of his strongest conservative allies, President Bush has decided not to pardon Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, for his 2007 conviction in the CIA leak case, two White House officials said Monday."

Is James Harrison so un-educated that Roger Goodell has to tell him what a dangerous hit is?

I think James Harrison is actually educated. Goodell is the idiot that doesnt know the game. This is football, not golf. Harrison actually validates his point in a good way, he's playing the game.

Why are the United Nations schemers having a Global Warming Party in Bali?

This is nothing but crap and Al Gore the liar will be in on it. So far the topics are this: World Sea Levels Rising - A dam LIE, world sea levels have been constant for over 100 years. Polar and Antartic Ice Caps shrinking, Another dam LIE recent satelite imagery has indicated a thicker layer of ice covering Antartica that is the deepest layer of ice that has been noted since imagery was started. Rising world temperatures - Another dam LIE, the National Weather Service historical data indicates that the 1930's were the hottest years in U.S. history. I'm sure that Al Gore will show up with his propane torch and a few topics that are full of half truths and LIES.

What's should i make for dinner?

I have a pound and a half of hamburger thawing, and trying to figure out what to do with it. I made meatloaf on Friday, so don't want to do it again. I got one onion, 2 Russet potatoes, 1 sweet potato, RIce a Roni, milk, eggs, bread crumbs, ketchup, and spices. Don't want to go to the store. What should I cook?

Which shoe should I get?

site number two is cool. it would go with the outfit i suggested in your other question!!! good uck!!

Is anyone else completely fed up with Brett Favre?

I personally just want him to go away. Sure he's a great quarterback but all this wishy washy crap is getting to be too much. He has fake retired at least 3 times already. What opinions do you have?

Felling Trees question?

doing it their way, the wedge you cut out will slide out, along with your chainsaw. doing it your way could lead to you chainsaw getting stuck under the weight of the tree and the wedge you just cut.

Does anyone have any ideas for a gift?

So every year for a cheerleading banquet the juniors make gifts for the seniors. we were thinking something with their names on it for the dorms. but we have to make it by the 30th and there are many seniors so it cant be expensive

When people list their favorite Screamo/ bands, why are Dillinger Escape Plan and Sikth not mentioned?

I don't listen to much Screamo/ whatever you want to call it, I'm more into metal anyway, but I do like Dillinger Escape Plan and Sikth, however they almost never get mentioned in these "who's your favorite screamo/" type lists, am I missing something here? Are DEP and Sikth not far superior to most screamo & bands that teenagers are into?

Help with ukulele music/tabs?

Found a tab page, might be a start. I don't know what your playing experience is, but you might also eventually be able to learn it by ear.

Whenever my boyfriend and i go to have ?

u need to get more confotable with each other and do it slow, by the way im 19 and have never had but and can tell that if u and ur boyfriend do get more confident with each other and take it slow then u will have great as long as u love each other, u will soon get used to each over and will not freeze up good luck

Athletics training and good times and distances for certain events?

I don't know much about the training so I would just say practice alot. But a good jump would be 4.5 metres, anything under 13.5 secs is very good in 100m, around 26 secs in 200m, about 20m in javelin and the shot putt depends on the weight of the shot putt.

What are some good fast paced songs to use for the gym and running?

It depends on different people. While, you are running, eventually, you are going to be out of brreath and panting and desperate to stop ( well,maybe :P ) and the music will blank out until it is just bachground noise, but there is music out there that you think about,and the running willl blank out and you focus on the music. For me, i listen to Cobra Starship, All Time Low and You Me AT six and Green Day and it seems to work ! Good LUCKK!

Someone give me a summary of the the cask of amontillado by edgar allen poe. i read it and i don't understand.?

i read it but i dont understand it... all i understand about it is this crzy guy wants to kill his friend and so he gets him drunk and buries him?? idk i hope i got even that rite....

My family has had a tragedy what can i do?

I don't know if you've heard but my Uncle was part of the trooper shooting in MT. I am not going to describe the hole thing, as things about 5 years had happened which had just went down hill from here, the media is not correct on most things,but my grandma is the sister of him. She is so shaken up and sad i was thinking about making a nice picture with his most recent photo, and a quote, but she cry's when she sees his picture what can i give her for christmas to remember him by? I would rather not buy anything but i can if needed, thanks a lot and please no rude comments my family is having a hard time.

If you have used powdered maca, how do you like it?

I don;t think there is any real benefit to Maca. I tried it once or twice. It taste bad on top of not doing anything

Iv been getting painfull foot cramps in my foot?

Every once in a while, I would just be laying down and all of a sudden, an extremely painfull cramp comes on my foot and after three minutes, it goes away. Lately it's been happening a lot. Especially at night. What could he the cause of this?

Why would God punish someone for not believing?

You really don't have any control on what you believe. You can't just simply say "I believe" and you do. Sure, you can act like you believe but it's not the same. It would be like me trying to force you to believe in Santa or something. And why would he/she send a righteous person that made very minimal mistakes, but didn't believe, to hell? Something just doesn't sound right with the whole Christianity thing and it's bugging me. I used to be a christian (I think), but as I got older and gained a little more understanding I kinda lost my faith. Just like what happened with Santa Claus.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Calling all Texans: I need help with finding a good town to live?

I agree with the others who answered you. San Marcus is fabulous. Fredricksburg is good, and so is Kerrville. Tyler and also Longview are very nice. I think you'll run into a problem with the cost of rent though. You may find a nice 1 BR for $500, but you won't get a 2 BR.

How many degrees is a betty crocker crock pot on high?

Go to their website. Considering you didn't give a model number, there's really no way that anyone here can tell you. Just like microwaves, it depends on watts, size, etc... They usually range from 300-450 degrees.

How do i find if 2 line segments with DEFINATE endpoints intersect?

ume they are lines. Find the point of intersection if it does indeed intersect. Next determine if that point is within the segments limits.

Should I make this Trade For Adrian Peterson?

I'd do it. You have the depth at WR with Rice and Smith. Ronnie Brown is great this year, but AP is week in and out the most consistent. It'd be nice if you could get another RB out of the deal (not a big name just someone you could use for injury or a bye week). But I wouldn't harp on it. You'd be golden for the playoffs.

Which country more cheating is going on?

haddin new damn well what he did ANGEL hes a cheat just like roy remember that caught behind then he went on to get a hundred, what about mccullum he got given out lbw off the biggest inside edge i've ever seen maybe that was karma, dosent change the fact haddins a cheat. AUSTRALIA ARE THE BIGGEST CHEATS ON THE PLANET....

I have a hitachi dvd there a service that will download the hard drive to dvd disc.i live cardiff?

If it is a DVD camcorder, does it not already record to 8cm DVD? You can then make copies of the DVD to other DVDs using a PC.

Can someone help me with a physics question?

A race car driver speeds around on a circular track of radius 100m at a velocity of 50 km/hr. The coefficient of friction between his tires and the road is 0.20. It begins to rain, reducing the coefficient of friction to 0.15. What must he change his velocity to in order to maintain his path without skidding off of the track?

If you were having financial woes and your best friend was rubbing his/her good fortune in your face?

I dunno. Maybe I'm being overly blunt in this situation, but I honestly would just tell her to "shut up about it" or joke that if she wants to keep talking about money she should consider giving me a loan.

Have you ever been to colombia?

Ive heard that it is like several countries rolled into one. Why do they say that? What other countries does it resemble? And also, I know that the culture is very diverse but in what way. I mean what areas are so different and why?

Is breakdancing the answer to curbing unruly behaviour?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do causality and determinism occur at Quantum Mechanics/QM scalar levels?

Causality and determinism have undergone changes as a direct result of empirical discoveries. Experimental discoveries at the beginning of this century—radioactive decay, blackbody radiation and spontaneous emission—led to a direct questioning of the notions of causality and determinism.

The origin/purpose of the Illuminati?

history says that they are an cult of powerful - rich satanic Jews that do a bunch crap like try to make the world one.

Mixing strong acids and bases?

If I'm making a 1L solution of pH 2.7, I'd look for a buffer that operates in that range, and titrate the solution with acid/base with a pH meter. There's no reason to make a calculation!

Goldfish Problem?

Hi I checked on Ariel my Red Comet Goldfish and I noticed half of her tail fell off. She was very hyper yesterday and she still had her tail. and also my other Goldfish was hyper smashing into the Gl,Diving and banging himself against the bottom of the tank. He doesn't stop so I have to put a net around him so that he will calm down. Could he be territorial and maybe tore off Ariels tail?

What is your favorite thing to make in a slow cooker?

I want some ideas on what to make in my slow cooker, its new and I haven't really used it much. I've made some beef stew and I cooked turkey in there... I don't often cook...

What are the worst injuries one gets in Roller Derby?

I Want to join a roller derby league and I am worried that I will be badly injured, what are the most common injuries in this Sport?

Where can I find this snl skit to watch?

I cant remember the name but Jon Lovitz and Tom Hanks are in it with two other people. They say stuff like "and hey why do they call them buildings you don't ever see anyone building them they should call it a built"

We are starting a small company that trains kids in golf?

Its very small starting with a few kids. If we get a check made out top lets say Daves Golf lessons can I just go to bank and start an account and deposit or do I need to go to the State Of NJ and make an LLC or something. Like I said its small with a first check being like $150. Thanks

Who is the hottest? sarah palin, cindy mccain, or michelle obama?

man we got some talents at the presidential debates. who is the hottest out of 3? obviously we're not expecting hooters-caliber babe, i'm talking about hot chicks in washington standard

Saturday, August 13, 2011

GIRLS PLEASE - Why does my girlfriend do this?? guys can answer if they have a reason?

Personally, I'd be a little embarred with my guy touching me like that in front of my parents. Anyone else it would be fine, but my would just feel weird.

Increase in carbon dioxide...?

burning if coal and gasoline increase carbon monoxide plowing a field, constructing a parking lot and clearing a rainforest's require the use if fossil fuel equipment which will also produce more carbon monoxide. but certainly clearing a rain forest that produce a large amount of carbon dioxed certain would not increase carbon dioxide.

Where can I watch the movie, "How to Deal"?

It's with Mandy Moore. And I wanted to know if there was a website in which I can watch it without downloading shiz. Thanks :)

Will the 8200 ATX AMD motherboard and the 9600GT Graphics card work together?

Building a computer and want to make sure these are compatible with each other. Ive looked for The XFX 8200 ATX AMD motherboard but everywhere i go its out of stock. Help please.

What rock song is this?

The song is cleverly about receiving a . It says something like,"don't hold too tight, or you'll cut off the flow." It's a rock song and i remember seeing on one of the VH1 countdowns too.

Question on refining mask for proactive?

okay so how do i use this specifically do i do the three steps which is renewing cleasnser, then that blue stuff, then the lotion then put the refining mask on or what? how do i use the refining mask?


It obviously means someone or something is trying to gain access to a private part of your life. Possibly by your own doing, the fact that you are able to hold off the Crocodile with a simple chair means its not as big of threat as it looks to be.

Any slumber party ideas ages7-12?

Aww that's cute lol. You could have them perform, like have a show. I remember a party when I was little where we each got a little makeup kit and dressed up and stuff then performed a song or dance of some kind. Then the judge(her mom) would judge us haha. It was really fun and little girls like that sorta thing.

Can anyone tell me where to find FREE sheet music for the following bands?

if you want notes your not gonna be able to find you should learn tabs they're easier if you go to ultimate for lessons to learn how to read tabs chords etc. and once you learn to read them you could look up the tabs for those bands on the same site....hope this helps!

Can someone please tell me what the rapper Flo-rida, used to go by.?

I know he used to go by another name before he took the name from a group in central florida, but what was it? If you can answer this question, your def on top of your game. Thanx in advance.

Identify a lizard species?

I saw a couple of them when I was in South Africa - one in the Kruger National Park, another in the Drakensberg mountains, both Eastern SA. It was about 9 inches long with the tail. Bright blue head like a blue headed agama but a very bright green body. The guide I was with said it was a Pedioplanis but google doesn't bring up many photos of them so I can't identify the species. I'm certain it was a lacertid, and presumably a rock dweller as on both occasions I saw one it was in a rocky area with few trees. Any ideas?

What is the best / cheapest ferry from UK to Spain?

I am moving to Spain and thought that getting a ferry would be a good plan rather than drive through France. I have been looking online and have only found a route with Brittany Ferries from Portsmouth or Plymouth to Santander for �269. Does anyone know of other ferry companies that travel late Oct / early Nov from preferably Portsmouth, but I would be willing to go from Plymouth also, to either Santander or Bilbao? The P&O website doesnt seem to let me do anything for that route so i'm not sure whether they do it anymore.

I took the swine flu shot last week and have developed muscle wealkness,i am also taking omnicef.?

I took the swine flu shot seven days ago and was feeling ok until a few days ago when i stated feeling weakness in my joints.I was also given a prescription for omnicef at the same time.I would think that it is the omnicef that is giving me the muscle weakness.I was reading the side effects and muscle weakness was one of them,The strange thing is,it is also seven days later since i started the omnicef.Can the shot or the omnicef giving me side effects 7 days later.Like i said,i would thing it is the omnicef

I took a dietary supplement called Tisane Durbon while pregnant. Will it cause a birth defect?

I was about seven wks pregnant when i found out and freaked out. A freind told me to drink Tisane Durbon with milk and it should cause me to misscarry. I never misscarried and now want this baby more than ever. Do you think me doing that will now cause my baby to have any kind of birth defect?

What does everyone think of bushs new plan to place barriers on birth control by labeling them as abortions?

I am STRONGLY against abortion, but I am FOR birth control. This is ridiculous! Since when are contraceptives a form of abortion? Bush is a retard and I'm glad his term is almost up.

Body Style Difference between 1995 Z28 and Base Coupe?

Just out of plain curiosity, what is the difference between the 1995 body style 5.6 liter Z-28 and the 3.4 Liter v-6 Camaro? I mean, i know the Z has the trademark Z-28 stickers, but in terms of overall body style, if i got a Dual Exhaust on there, perhaps a Ram Air kit, and buy the Z-28 stickers am i okay? Or is there more to it? Lastly, my car has 168k on it, i bought it for 1500 dollars, is it worth it? How much Horsepower does the stock 3.4 V6 have? Thanks alot guys...

I just found out my financee of been lying to me, should I dump him and keep the truck?

My financee is a Brit. We were going to get married in April. I met him working out of country 2 1/2 yrs ago. I have been at home waiting on him faithfully for the last 1 1/2 yrs. I found out he has been lying and playing me. I got evidence of him meeting 2 girls on his R&R in Australia, which he lied and told me he was in Germany. He bought a new truck, which he put in my name, should I keep the truck, the ring, and the $1000 retainer we had for the lawyer?

Are these nice lyrics?

u gotta good theme. u need to shorten the verses and lengthen da chorus. fix the beat. u on the rite track though

Please advise how to start a new business?

My savings is only $2000. I want to start a business in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Is it possible to strat a new business with this amount. If possible, please advise & show me a fruitful way.

How much does it cost to keep a prisoner in a UK prison for a year. In pounds Please?

It is most likely diffrent between Scotland and England. So if you could tell me both it would be much appreciated. Im having to answer the question "To ess the effectiveness of prisons at deterring criminals"

Politics question?

history of political governments is a good way to start. type that in at a search engine of your choice and see what comes up.

Can any one help me i want to buy chemical item named sodium metasilicate anhydrous and i live in Cairo-Egypt?

so anyone can send me a company name buy this item in Cairo or Lybya , Jordan , kuwait or in soudi arabia

Can you compare Obama to Bush?

Obama made a lot of empty promises which he now has adopted Bush policies as being the right choices, such as Gitmo, war etc. What where some of his broken promises and why did you vote for him in the first place? How has he disappointed you, such as huge unbearable deficits which may be the end to prosperity in America.

Aider la femme am�ricaine? :)?

Je suis une femme am�ricaine et je ne suis pas familier avec le style fran�ais flirt. Je ne pourrai jamais comprendre si elles sont flirter parce qu'ils m'aiment ou ils sont flirter juste pour le plaisir. ils savent tous que je ne suis pas un Am�ricain "stupide" qui, s'ils flirtent avec qu'ils peuvent prendre pour lit. Je suis dans la ville de Paris. Ils aiment tous mon accent. Alors, comment puis-je savoir si elles comme moi ou pas? d�sol� si ma fran�ais est mauvais

What's something we can do?

Today is Monday, and we just started going out Friday. We are both a little shy. What are some ideas that we can do together? I only have 3 cl with him... Horrible.. These are the cles.. Math, Lunch, and Recess.. Any ideas to do something with him but to not get me introuble with the teachers?

TEENS: Good books for a 7th grade girl? Read details please?

Ask your librarian. Consider some of the clic science fiction--Andre Norton, Mercedes Lackey (try the Valdemar series) Isaac Asimov. Look at some of the historical mysteries, like Sharan Newman or Ellis Peters. Some stories combine both, like "I, Robot. You might like some stories set in different times or lands, like Alan Gordon's Fool series ("The Queen of Jerusalem is one"), or Margaret Foster's historical mysteries. Ask your librarian to help you find these authors or others like them.

Whats that song called that goes like she.....woo hoo she...woo hoo?

I believe you are talking about Don't Trust Me by 3OH!3 the one that says "shush girl, shut your lips, do the helen keller and talk with your hips!"

Is this democracy? How ridiculous can our nation be?

I am watching at the news, anarchists or foreigners dunno, burning the Greek flag, throwing stones at the police, burning shops etc, why in the hell are they allowed to do this ? Why is our police incapable of arresting all those low lifers ? Are we such a pathetic nation ? I am fed up with all this, I think we Greeks do not need democracy but dictatorship. x

How should I darken my leather chaps?

I purchased leather suede brown chaps. They are two light of a brown for my show outfit, anyway I can darken them?

Can ypu find me a website that tell me all of the asteroid impacts that led to an extinction?

Dinosaurs supposedly became extinct because of an asteroid impact in what is now the Gulf of Mexico....but this is just a theory. I recommend you check out the excellent website that NASA has to offer. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Friday, August 12, 2011

Is Guns N' Roses (the original line up with Slash, Duff, Izzy...) getting back together?!?

It's tormenting me, I keep hearing about this and I'm a die hard GNR fan and I keep hearin that Slash and Axl are workin things out and want to start that lineup again. Please, if this is a no, tell it to me nicley =( lol jk

Quick question about Christianity?

we are still discovering so many things about science, we're not even close to having all the evidence. if science was a puzzle, right now with the pieces we have we think we see one picture when a completely different thing could be the real picture. in other words, they might see the facts and say that means evolution happened, but we don't know enough to say that's absolutely true

Live vs thawed feeding for king snake?

Its been a week since I got my black/white cal king snake and he dosent seem to think that the thawed mice are very apealing to him... so I was wondering the pros and cons to both live and thawed feeding. please help.

Do u guys think Morris Chestnut, Taye Diggs, Derek Luke will ever star with a female their complexion???

I agree there is a double standard. I've seen this pattern in dating as well, but recently, the younger generation seems to be less colour struck and more in touch with their own unique ethnic beauty. Its reflected prominantly in natural hair styles and I think thats great. I believe darker skinned sisters will be more fairly represented in the entertainment industry as the moving force will be the younger generation that has far less baggage in self hatred. At least thats my hope. Not long ago, sisters like Brandy, and Woopie would not have been seriously considered as box office draws, but today is a new day. And lets not forget queens like Cicilly Tyson who broke ground in the acting world when the icon of physicalbeauty was Marilyn Monroe. My best friend is VERY Dark. There is no actor, except one african I've seen, who is as dark as she is and I know that she has experienced discrimination from African Americans, not whites. I am very light skinned and I know that people treat me differently, usually in a positive way. I've dated guys who I immediately dumped when I realized they were more into my skin colour than me. We need to love and respect ourselves before we can expect the entertainment industry to do the same.

Now that those who support Prop 8 have been labeled as bigots, how far are we from being accused of hate crime?

Also, how soon will the lawsuits start to force pastors to marry gay couples against their conscience?

Were can i get facts like population and stuff of that nature.?

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Who else believes that the Slave Trade can happen again?

Considering that blacks in the Western Hemisphere do not study nor know their history, they think "we have made it" and drive BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac. Slavery is happening now. McDonald's, Rent-A-Center, Arab, Hispanic, Indian owned inner-city "bodegas" have black slaves. Newport, Salem, Colt 45, Olde English 800, Pay Day Loans have black slaves. Wal-Mart does as well. The biggest black plantation holder in the U.S.A. is the Democratic Party. By the way I am black and a Republican.

Why dont multicultural societys work?

Zimbabwe and South Africa are perfect examples of one side having power and then losing it and in the end what happened to the former is bound to happen to the second one. Maybe its more of a power struggle and first against third world but these arguments hold true for asians and afrians coming to Europe apart from a few exchange students who have the intellect to see that to get on they need to dump their third world baggage and integrate. But the over whelming majority seek to create their own ghettoes and its only now some of the excuses for politicians are waking up to a problem that is growing 20 heads that is a waste of resources. Before m immigration racisim wasnt even a word in the dictionary now we need to cater for these peoples excuse making because they are clearly not capabale of being integrated and will forever be a drag on westerners having to make excuses for them. The best solution is m repatriation.

Do you think that the Left wing is jealous of McCain's Military service?

and that is why they keep ripping on him about it? It's something McCain in his pocket that Obama could NEVER have. Let's face it, McCain is respected and you cannot begrudge his service to this country. Do you think the Obama supporters are just jealous, so they have to rip him down? Let's face it, If that were me, it would be the defining moment in my life, a time I would NEVER forget. Why do they take that away from him? Would they be saying the same if it were their grandfather who was in a POW camp for so long, or would THAT make them proud?

Is anyone buying Natal & the motion controller for PS3 & X-Box 360? I'm not.?

well i am going to get natal because it is better than the wii because you don't have to use a controller and it is also voice automated

Weight gain during pregnancy?

im 28 weeks pregnant and just went through my notes. i saw that yesterday my midwife wrote i weighed 71 kg, at the start it says i weighed 64kg..i dont know what kgs is in stone but is that too much weight i have put on? im confused!


In Act 5, Scene 2, it is said that the English and Scottish army shall join forces to fight Macbeth. It also says Macbeth shall prepare his army. My question is, if Macbeth is the King of Scotland, then what army does he have?

How to be thin, and not muscular?

I can guarantee, you will never look like those girls in those pictures. Stop wasting your time, and do something with your life. If you want to lose weight and be healthy ride a bicycle, preferably a mountain bike. Ride a lot, like 20 miles a day. And when you do, don't complain. Keep it to yourself and "just do it" Do not eat at fast food or any restaurants. Learn how to cook. Make your own meals, and try to stay away from processed foods. Good luck with your life, and don't let being superficial consume you, because the only reason why your on this planet is to be happy, no matter what you look like.

Have you heard of the new "Tapeworm Diet"?

some woman died from it, its an actual worm that will grow up to 20+ feet long and will be pooped out one day, it will work but be a bad experience and hard to get rid of, i recomend turnin fat into ripped muscle

QuEsTiON F0R MU$LlM$$ !!!!iiiiii <""> unibrow!!!!?

ilsam teaches, (in the qu'ran) the holy book from Gawd, that Muslims shall not take the Jews or Christians as friends cuz they are enemies to them....well kkkk, but then @ the same time Islam says it's permissable for a muslim dude to marry a female jew or christain...y can't muslim dudes be friends with jewish or other christian dudes then???? sup with this contradiction ?

Can Nico be a girl's name?

I have a friend that's a girl and her name is Nico. I know a girl whose name is Sean (pronounced Shaun). I mean, I like both of those names on girls and I'm used to the fact that they are girly-ish girls with guy names. They are sisters, but I'm mainly focusing on Nico. Her name isn't Nicole. Her mom showed me her birth certificate and it says "Nico Angela Thornton". I found it weird that her mom showed me that though

What is the best legal way to get a loan if you're 18 with no credit or money to put down?

I just turned 18 and I would like to get an auto loan. What is the best way to get a low-interest loan under my name with no co-signer.

Citations in MLA format ! help !?

I have a paper and one of my sources doesnt have an author. the citations are for MLA format. please tell me what to do ! ughhh .

Phi phi island from bangkok?

hi i am visiting Thailand in a couple of months and plan to go to phi phi Island from either pattaya or bangkok i checked some of the airfares how come some are much cheaper than the others?? like is only like 100 dollars roundtrip from Bangkok to phukett when some others are over 200 dollars??? aprreciated any help or suggestions ..thank u..

How old do you really think is "old"?

this question is aimed at kids under 14ish. when you think of "big kids" or "older kids" about what age comes to mind? cause i might start babysitting a 10 and 12 year old and idk if theyll look up to me like im an older kid

Is going to mars an impossible dream?

with the great distance and the time it would take to get there the logistics and formitable cost will we ever go to mars I dont think it will ever happen sending a space probe is one thing sending people is quite another


press f1 it may be for your floppy drive not working. u can disable floppy drive from bios setup. and for keyboard error it may u not plug keyboard properly or you keyboard not work.

I want to listen to creepy or slow songs right now?

I'm not the greatest music connoisseur, but based on your description I'd recommend Dala's cover of Neil Young's "Ohio". Haunting piano intro, slow tempo, but sort of uplifting.

Why are we ashamed to talk the truth?

wHite man aint say nothin but truth, not that he couldn't lie better than some black man, he is just too god for that .

A dream like a video game?

It just may be that your brain hit an overload point and felt that things would work better for your life if set up like a video game, so you could understand things better

How can I install Windows XP on a Compaq Presario B1200?

I have trouble installing windows XP. This is my first time having trouble and I don't know how to resolve this. There is PCI.SYS error in the error message. What should I do? Thank you very much.

How to combine two Excel sheets by removing blank rows automatically ?

I am making two sheet's data in once, for example, In Sheet1's cell reference as follows : cell A1 =Sheet2!A1, cell A2=Sheet2!A2,cell A3 =Sheet3!A1,cell A4 =Sheet3!A2,cell B1 =Sheet2!B1,cell B2 =Sheet2!B2,cell B3 =Sheet3!B1, cell B4 =Sheet3!B2. And now if i put the data's or numbers in SHEET2 (4 cells) and SHEET3 (4 cells) totally 8 cells reference will be refelects in SHEET1 as by above typed formula, Now if i delete or leave blank the rows of SHEET2 cells as follows: =Sheet2!A1 and =Sheet2!B1 both deleted or leaved blank then SHEET1 refernce should automatically hide or disappear and if i again insert the numbers or data in =Sheet2!A1 and =Sheet2!B1 then cell value should be reappear, A very helpful to me if anybody helps me on this problem, also thanks in advance to resolve this problem.

If you could hypnotize anyone for a day, who would it be, and what would you have them do?

i would hypnotize a lot of people hahhaa,people i got some special doubts about and ask them to tell me the truth,and a few other people to do stupid things like try to walk through the wall until they "do it" lol

Chemistry quetion about double displacement reactions?

You cannot generally. It depends on the specific reaction, and you need to know the properties of the products and reactants to know.

How many Atheists, or Christians for that matter,?

If anyone tells you he is Jesus, run away. He's not. Sometimes God blesses a person for doing His work, however, Satan can do the same thing and the soul of said "preacher" who "exorcises" demons is in danger of being damned. It's a kind of seek and reveal sort of thing. There are a lot of fakers out there. A few though are for real.

Financial experiments to engineer 'social justice'... Does it always end in calamity?

Do you think the current model of social injustice is not also 'engineered'? What do you think is the origin of institutions such as government, banking & finance, industry & commerce? Do you think these things occur as the result of NO planning, NO organization, NO intended result and NO 'engineering'? We can do whatever we want and the society we make is the direct and exclusive result of our intentional deliberate designs. ALL civilization is the result of 'social engineering'. ALL economics is abstract and imaginary. These words you brandish do not define the material reality around you, they define the prejudices of your attitudes and the limitations (most likely self-imposed) of your imagination.

An English question, do you consider this phrases wrong?

I've heard of sentences like, "the earth viewed from a spaceship" in stories where the author continues detailing a picture or in poems written by poets, but if it's in a setting where some knowledge of English grammar is required, I'd include the "is" in there.

Wow is this bad sportsmanship or what?

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do you think Prince Charles is an antichrist candidate?

No.Prince Charles is just a fallible human being with no religious implications attached. He may one day serve as titular head for the Church of England,but that doesn't make him a deity.

Im sick but what kind of sick?

my head, ears, chest, throat, all hurt bad and im tired all the time, bad cough, congested, cant breath or swallow sometimes but my mom wont take me to the doctor i have full insurance and i cant take myself im 15 and cant drive so thats not an option what do i do

Why should i call you African American if you still call me White?

if you want me to call you "African American" instead of black, then why dont you call me "Caucasian American" instead of white? its so one sided, cant you see you are being racist as well? if i say i saw a group of black kids, people jump down my throat with "why do they have to be black kids!" but if a black or mexican person says "i saw some white kids" nobody so much as blinks. they WERE black kids just like they WERE white kids. now honestly, i do not want you to call me "Caucasian American" because it sounds stupid. im not caucasian. i barely know what that is! im just American. i like being white, because i AM white, just like you ARE black. i do not go out of my way to be all "well actually thats offensive because im not actually white, im a pinkish tan color, so why would you try to say im not ACTUALLY black, we come in all shades. and unless you actually do COME STRAIGHT FROM AFRICA i am not calling you African American. you are not african, youre just an American. you may have heritage there, but you are not African, just like im not Irish or Scottish tho i do have that heritage. so will all the self righteous ethnic people please shut up about all this political correctness? its ridiculous. constantly correcting other people over it and starting fights and drawing negative attention to the simple words black and white, do not make for a less racist world, instead it just reinforces that there IS something different something that needs to be watched out for and stepped around. it separates us more than the simple words Black and White ever did. theyre just colors. its no different if i say the kid with the mohawk then when i say, the mexican kid or the black kid. its just that im pointing out what would be most easily identified by the person im talking to. its not derogatory, its not mean spirited, is an adjective. a harmless describing word. i dont care that im just white. so why do you care that you are black?

Who's the more exciting fighter to watch? floyd mayweather jr. or julio cesar chavez jr?

It's like asking what would you rather do, walk in on your parents having or walk in on your brother touching himself. I'll p on both. Mayweather's at least exciting to watch if you REALLY appreciate the art of boxing, and most hard core fans who box do. So those would argue for his excitement. JCC Jr. is like watching a two year old on Jeopardy.

Baseball Card Rookies Trade?

I have a C.C. Sabathia 1999 Team Best Minor League rookie card and I can trade it for a Manny Ramirez 1992 Topps #157 rookie card. Should I trade for the Manny or keep my Sabathia?

Megan Fox is so over rated, Serinda Swan is much prettier. Anyone care to agree?

The second girl has a more big bone structure. i dont like that. and megan always looks really her skin does. theyre both not goodlooking

Can a current employee "speak her mind" when an ex-employee emails her?

'jobbend' has provided you with excellent advise and great detail, i suggest you follow it...........

What if ...?

you may never have outbreaks or show symptoms of HSV2. you will need to be honest about it when you date people and become serious about them let them know u have HSV2. it shouldn't affect your life all that much accept if you experience an outbreak it will be very unpleasent, itchy, painful. i'm not sure what lgM test is but might want to get it done just to be safe. u may want to use condoms when having to reduce the spreading of the virus. if you have cold sores do not give someone since u can spread the virus this way. do not have if u experience symptoms of an outbreak, u can spread HSV2 this way as well.

Is there any way of removing an iron-on number from an AFL guernsey?

I put a number on my guernsey but it was a bit crooked. Is there anyway of removing it without ruining the guernsey?

Libs, didn't you say 1,000,000 Iraqis were killed? Here it says 87,000. Which is it?

a href=""…/a

Hi, if I travel before 7 and arrive after 4 the next day, how many days should I count?

The 7 pm rule for counting days on the night train goes into effect if the train departs after 7 pm. If this train left at 7:01 pm, then it would count as 1 day of travel on your Eurail p. However, since the departure time from Prague is before 7 pm, it counts as two days. See the Eurail FAQ: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Which shoe is hotter?

Well I'll tell you my opinion on all of them. I think the second one is very sophisticated and so the second to last one. The other 3 are all very hot but I think the hottest would be the first one. Also the last ones are very rock chic! They would look nice with a black sling crop top and denim shorts or skirt with rips! Hope I've helped xxx

What Was That Song Called From The Movie ATL?

If you have seen the movie ATL what is the song called that new new aka lauren london said is her song? And Who Is It By?

Which country produces the best hockey players?

Canada, USA, and then all the Europeans. (I like powerhouses more than speed and finesse. Best of all, I like powerhouses with finesse--that's mostly a North American style of play). Of course exceptions are everywhere, hahahaha! (especially the new breed of Russian players)

Do you think William Shakespeare was a preverse man?

As many critics have pointed out, Shakespeare was mainly interested in putting backsides into theatre seats. To do so he had to cater to popular taste. He didn't know that people nowadays would be seeing and reading his plays. It was two of his friends that published them. Most of his smutty stuff was by innuendo or by pun anyway, unlike nowadays when it is right in the open (witness, " two and a half men").

Seans coming back?!!!?

Nope, I seriously doubt that secondly Roxy is still Married to sean so that is impossible for her to marry jack, and very unlikely since he only left 2 months today (1 January).

Brain teasers?

A merchant had collected many gold coins. he did not want anybody to know about them. one day his wife asked,"how many coins do we have?"after pausing for a moment he said "well if i divide the coins into two unequal number then 51 times the difference between the square of the two number. the wife looked puzzled.can you help the merchant's wife by finding out how much gold coin they have

Lights problem in car and not starting?

i have a plymouth laser when i go to start it all i here is a click its not even trying to turn over i have a new battery and starter is new but when i take the key out the lights still stay on and wont go off i have to undo the battery what would be the problem igiantion switch?

Is this nation turning into a land filled with extremists?

I think many people are becoming extremists and even worse to most people extremism isn't even seen as extreme

How many percent remaining of thyroid gland will a radioactive iodine therapy works or will be effective?

There is really no way of knowing how much of the thryoid gland will be left after radioactive iodine. Must of the time they do basically total ablation and afterwards just supply thyroid hormones indefinitely

I just met him - how do I know he's interested in me? *10 pts best answer!*?

It's all about the body language, and the conversation. If he talks to you and looks you in the eyes when he's listening, that's a good start. When he talks, if he tends to touch you lightly, also a good sign. If you two ever have conversations about yourselves, does he talk more about himself, or does he ask questions about you? There are so many things, yahoo has articles about this stuff in their dating section

Husband broke down crying today?

this will work itself out over time. be patient. concentrate on the aspects of the situation that you can control, like being supportive to your hubby, helping feel more OK about going to see his kids without u a few times to develop a routine, and focusing on staying healthy during your pregnancy. after the baby comes, maybe 3 months later, ask him to set up a time where the girls can meet their new brother. being the graceful person here can help make the situation less chaotic. breathe.

Ladies, how would you handle being in an 'arranged marriage' with a fellow like this:?

I would sneak out of the house and run away. You can't say this isn't an option, because there is always a way to run away even if you are always watched. You can pretend to be sleeping, you can sneak out of the ladies' bathroom. And if none of these work, you can call the police and tell them you are being coerced into doing something against your will, because in America we don't put up with forced arranged marriages, we call that the "r" word.

Pls answer my question in regards to pokemon gold..>>>>>?

for the firestone buy in celadon dept. store in kanto (4th floor i think) and for ur eevee never let it die, give it haricuts and always have it hold the SOOTHE BELL. with that it wil evolve reallt fast =)

Are there any good indy promotions/wrestling schools in the North East of UK, if so explain where and where?

Before you join a school you should check out the online videos of John Cena and Samoa Joe's original training videos. It is a pretty good behind the scenes look at what these guys had to do to make it in the wrestling business. Good Luck!

Celtic fans?...danny ainge has to go for 3 major reasons?

the biggest goof has to be not landing iverson...although in his early thirties, ai has at least 5 to 7 good years ahead of him and any team that has him will always be competitive...the other mistakes have yet to be proven as catastrophes but to not go after ai when you had the chance was the worst thing..and u are right i would've given up paul pierce for him...he is that good

How good is my starting fantasy team?

at QB i have Donaven Mcnabb at RB i have Willie Parker and Travis Henry at WR i have Roy Williams Cris Chambers and Santana Moss at TE i have Jerrmy Shockey and K Josh Brown at DEF i have Philadelphia at W/R i have Willis Mcgahee what do you think

Can a ball gown wedding dress be altered to be an A-line tea length dress?

It's been 3 years since my wedding and I would like to alter my dress so it will be wearable for other occasions like anniversaries or renewal of vowels. There is some detailing at the bottom of the skirt that would be nice to have on the bottom of the new dress.

What cleaning agents contain hydrochloric acid?

HCL goes by the trade name of muratic acid. Check any stores that sell spa or swimming pool supplies. They will have it. It is used to balance the waters ph.

Good ballet for a show?

I need like good ballet music for the show "The veliteen Rabbit" its the scarlet fever dance so it has to be something kinda scarry and not something well know (Such as stuff from the nutcracker or swan lake) thanks so much!

Can methanol be made by distilling a wash if just sugar and yeast?

There would not be very much, methanol is made when yeast eats starch or fiber. Some people would say none none at all. You should discard the heads or first part that come out of the still.

Which 2 RB's should I use in week 11?

Cadillac wont see too many carries this week. Look to him later on in the season. Go with Benjarvus and Parker...Good matchups for both

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How much are Star Trek ornaments worth?

My mom has some Startrek the Next Generation Hallmark Ornaments and she was wondering if anyone knew how much she could get for them. If you know please take the time to stop and help me help her!

Is there a bag that looks like this but is a little bit less pricey?

the first site must have changed their pic, because i didn't see a bag and some of the second site is cut off, so i have no idea what your ideal bag looks like. however, you can try going to they have loads of different bags and hopefully you'll find one like it :)

Does he like me or is he just being a nice friend?

I think he likes you on some level. He asked you after all. He wouldn't have if he didn't like you. and you did say this was the second time he's asked you to banquet. I think his not telling his mom is more trying to goad her and not something to do with you. He likes to annoy people so he just saw this as an oppertunity to annoy her on some level (aka he knew his mom wanted to know and not telling her would bug her). He definatally didn't ask you just to annoy his mom though. There was someting that make him want to ask YOU. you should stop stressing about if the boy likes you and enjoy yourself.

Why is Princess Elisabeth a Princess of Iceland, also, when Iceland is no longer a monarchy?

Princess Elizabeth is the daughter of Knud, Hereditary Prince of Denmark. She has the title Princess Elisabeth of Denmark and Iceland. But Iceland is now a republic, and I cannot find any relation of her and Iceland...

What happened to religious rule in countries such as England during the Age of Enlightenment?

Everything was up for debate...and it has stayed that way ever since. On one side non-believers telling christians what they are supposed to believe and on the other christians who spend a lifetime learning they are just a human as everyone else (just forgiven).

Is there a M.A.C in Southampton?

No not even in John Lewis nearest is Bournmouth or they sell end of ranges in makeup shop in Gunwharf in portsmouth sorry its a pain I know

Is it wrong to be this close to my sister?

we like to sing and dance together. and it feels like people are judging us because don't have many boundaries, and we sleep together, bathe together, and spend a lot of time together. we also sing love songs and dance in ways most people find suggestive or disturbing. but we don't think of it as ual or anything, and don't feel awkward. i won't lie though, we used to practice kissing when we were younger, but it was never because we liked each other in that way. as long we're platonic, and are just having fun, is it wrong for us to be so care-free about what we do together?

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

Look under Resolved Questions. There is an answer there that will blow your socks off, metaphorically speaking.

Want to rent an apartment for the weekend in leeds?

do you know any good sites for this? i have been on a few before but don't remember how i found them! lol

I cancelled on this guy twice in a row because of a family emergency. What do i do?

explain to him whats going on.. Hes not a psychic is he? maybe next time you could ask him to visit your uncle with you in the hospital ? you DID do the right thing and apologized.. that shows him that your truly interested in him.. Good luck

I'm in love but I shouldn't be, please help!?

About 8 months ago I posted on here that I was in love with my professor and had been for six months already. Well, here we are, I've known her for quite a while now and I'm still as desperately in love with her as ever. I've tried avoiding her (taking cles she doesn't teach) which did nothing to lessen the feelings, I've tried to turn my attention to other people but I'm phobic about relationships (except for this one person, who calms me with just her presence). She has absolutely no idea how I feel for her, except for the fact that I go red, get nervous and usually end up making an idiot out of myself. I don't even know if she's gay! I'm not in any of her cles at the moment but see her in the corridors fairly regularly. I'm nearly 19. But I'm really really shy, like for years I wouldn't even talk in cl and when I first met her I was going through a particularly bad time. I suffer from severe depression and suicidal behaviour but when I'm near her everything seems better. What should I do??? Please help me.

Im the ugly duckling ....... i need help ... i need to get on with my life but i just cant!?

I think you have already answered your own question. Stand up, respect yourself and love yourself. I bet you are not as ugly as you think you are, but I will say this, regardless of how pretty or ugly someone is physically, their attitude and inner person can really make them unattractive and someone no one wants to be around. Stop the pity party, get some good self-help books and learn to love you, because if you do not like yourself, how can you expect anyone else to like you? You are likely a very wonderful person, inside and out, now, let the world see you in a different light. Best of luck.

Why do christians misquote the bible when it comes 2 LGBT?

How would anyone expect the morals of a 2000 year old text, obviously penned by man, to contain any usable guidelines on ity. TO even consider any Biblical quotes, OR misquotes would be to give the Bible authority it clearly does not deserve. Any book that so grossly errored on woman's rights, slavery, and religious exclusivity surely need not be considered for something more complicated as uality, which science has provided significant evidence as natural, normal, and not a problem - while the religious community has a spotted and regrettable history of considering it sinful and disorderly.

Where can i find full video of the 2007 playoff series of golden state warriors vs. dallas mavericks?

ive been wanting to watch that series all over again, but can only find snippets here and there. i want to watch the whole series and each game in full.

Poll: What type of guy would you date?

wtffff just a good looking one with a good personality those little qualities dont really bother me everyone is different

Please answer i need know.....?

i heard that veronica mars not playing anymore on televison i know that for about year or 2.... anyways please can u look at this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a what does mean is coming back? and said date of this was posted may 17th 2006 that was probabley just about time 3rd season finshed but please can u search anywhere try everything see if their any chance of 4 season and more... movie something please i beg u try your hardest i have please try i really want it have 4 season and more... please look in for 2008 or 2009 or 2010 and more please..... i need information i would give u anything if u find out for me and try your hardest but i can only give u 10points and best answer and 5/5 good rating please answer

When will the honda cb unicorn dazzler arrive in bangladesh?

I've been waiting for months for this bike to arrive. Does any one know the confirm date when the new honda unicorn dazzler will arrive in bangladesh?

Having for the first time?

my boyfriend and I ( im 17 and hes 16) are thinking about having and its obvious that hes ready and that he really wants to do it but ive told him that im not sure that i am..and he said that he'll wait for me..i know that we both love eachother and care abut eachother so i cant figure out why im not why is having for the first time for girls such a big deal..even wen theyre gonna do it with someone htey love?

A man has severe to profound deafness in one ear.His other ear is normal.Can he get the facilities 4 disabled?

26 year old Raju lives in W.B., India.His deafness in his right ear is probably caused by a mumps attack 15 years ago.He hears normally in his left ear. Is he entitled to have the facilities for the hearing handicapped(disabled)? What are the exact rules for determining the percentage and level of disability for hearing handicapped?

I have the Korn CD See You On The Other Side, but why won't it let me upload its songs to my iPod?

A different multimedia section appears, but the tracks do not appear listed on my iTunes, like all my other CDs. Is there a way around this?

To ensure harmony & justice, shouldn’t Britain elect a British-Muslim Prime Minister of Pakistani origins?

It is democratic process. Later sometime in history it will automatically happen. Such things are not awarded but inherited by being a majority or being a proved good and useful member of the society. Bear friends british people are our brothers. We have to respect their choices now and take care of their feelings. And we have to upgrade our moral standard so high that when we are really in major position we must return their goodness in double. This is the true teachings of Islam.

What is at the end of mitosis?

at the end of each mitosis each or these will have the exact same number of chromosomes as the parent cell

Is this story line good (i did matches 2) (this is part 1)?

Wait... OH MAH GAWD KEENG its James Storm that smash mouth drunk, ugly redneck, James Stares at JBL and JBL stares back, then slowly James raises his beer bottle and... Smashes it over his own head knocking himself out cold, then JBL walks away confused and slightly drunk, then Cena runs in and hit the FU, then JBL says "Cena, i'm not it the mood for childrens games" Cena starts crying

Cutsey crochet earflap hat pattern?

anyone know of a good pattern like this OR whatever you find to be cute ( i just might too! :D) any ways, here is the picture oh and patterns that aer preferablt free? Thanksss!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is the best kind of concealer?

whats the best kind of concealer to get at like CVS? i wanted to try that almay tru blend stuff or whatever , the one that changes to you skin tone -- anyone try it? and is there any other ones that work REALLY well.i need it for covering up my under eyes and like blemishes.

Does anyone know what the next Rid movie.?

The posts on it are different. Some say it is going to be a prelude to Butcher Bay, and some say it's going to be Return to Furia. I am really confused on this point and any help would be appreciated.

Who am i???

It is super crazy, and your clue is dumb. Crazy descibes a drunk? Or his real name? because neighter really do

Feel like a bullet-Elton John?

My favorite song. This might sound stupid, but, (besides piano) what is the other instrument (I'm listening to the live one) that comes in during the first chorus (Like bells or something) And where can I get the TABs for that part (in a band)?

Rate My Rap Lyrics(1-10)?

You're pretty good. About a 8 or 9. NEVER, post your lyrics on the web people will steal. Answer mine: a href=""…/a

I'm Lonely And Just Want To Share My Happiness With Someone :)?

I sincerely apologise....this is not a question. I tried to make that obvious in the title as to not waste anyones time if they weren't up for reading a friendly hello. Anyhow...I don't really have any friends. I'm a mom and a wife....I don't work outside the home or drive. My world is filled up with my two teenage kids, my hubby and my mom. I am so happy right now because my husband and I are re-decorating and have found ourselves in the position to buy some new things we've really been wanting. I just wanted to share my happiness someone! I've ordered several things off of the internet. None of it has arrived yet but I love the anticipation of waiting for it to be delivered!!! I got a new laptop...I caught my old one on fire four times. I got a dvd camcorder so I can record and save precious memories of my family and my husband bought me a 1 carat diamond ring!!! He is so sweet! Anyhow, thanks for listening. I know it was pretty boring but I appreciate it!

Why the timing of trap development is important in HC exploration ?

If the trap formed after the time of oil migration then there WAS no trap to aculate oil into at the time. It will have all migrated further in the Up Dip direction. Pretty basic stuff!

Did anyone hear about the rumors going on with wec/ufc?

yeah... they are not rumors anymore as they have been confirmed. I can see how some people would think this is a bad idea but I personally like this move because with this move a lot of the smaller weight cl fighters will finally get the exposure and recognition they deserve. And we as fans will get to see the best fighting the best... imagine fights like Frankie Edgar or Bj Penn vs Jose Aldo (if he moves up one weight cl)?, Its a smart move because that way its going to be easier to keep up with who is champ of a certain weight cl, thus they will gain more respect. For example... a lot of people say that the uf lightweight division iwould fare better than th WEC lightweight division. We are gonna get a chance to find out... and I have a feeling some fighters are going to get humbled by Jose Aldo if he decides to move a weight cl.

IF Barack, will Borg - "7of9" have perpetual work, or be made to disappear??

I imagine Republican Jack Ryan made some pretty good money with that scheme. But hey, it's just good old American free enterprise.

Why does my 17 month old son all of a sudden want his blanket ALL the time?

He never cared for it ... then at 17 months he wants his blanket ALWAYS! He understands that he cannot bring it into the bathroom which is good. He feels comfort with it. He does not drink from a bottle, never did pacifier, fed first full year of life, does not go to daycare (we have Grandpa, daddy and/or Mommy with him at home).

Whats the possibility of me being pregnant?

I had on monday....and we went thru 3 condoms, but the 2nd one ripped in the middle of , he s very quickly, but he said he didn't, is it tru that theres somthing where the boy has like an early ***? (something like that) if so could i get pregnant?

Special 1 yr anniversay gift :)?

Sounds like you really care for your girlfriend...she is a lucky girl. Women love jewelry....bottom line. You can get her a beautiful cubic zirconia (CZ) heart on a sterling silver (or 14k ...if if have the resources, it will run $40-100 more) necklace for about $30-80 depending on design and size. She will love it, believe it.

What's the difference between communism and socialism and why is the US going socialist considering?

considering we fought against it for over 50 years up until the late 80's? All it does is keep people poor and the government powerful. For example in Venezuela people are not allowed to own more than one house or else it is a punishable crime, yet when Obama visited Hugo Chavez in Venezuela he kissed his ring. The gov now controls car companies, banks, mortgages and healthcare is next. Is this good?

Fantasy Basketball Trade?

kind of a wash. i like Rudy gay's game and i think he is the focal point of there offense so in the long run i think he would tip the advantage scale his way. Rondo should get lots of playing time too, question is if he can stay healthy.

Does this guy like me?

yes he DEFINATELY likes you. if you dont like him that way just tell him dat you can tell dat he likes you and you dont like him more than a friend.

Why are some adolescent girls obsessed with wanting to have diabetes?

It seems that the Jonas Brothers have induced a widespread panic amongst adolescent girls, especially here on Yahoo! answers. Tell me something, why are some girls going so far as to lie about diabetes? Do they want to feel closer to a celebrity? Do they like the attention? Is diabetes the latest fad? Thoughts?

TTC two up. I need a success story....someone?

I am not sure what tests you had done, but if you have not done this already, you should chart your basal body temperature. It can confirm the day of ovulation more accurately than a OPK. Read up at and read the book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility.

Magic the Gathering cards at dollar stores?

They are legit, but older. You won't be able to use them in most tournaments, because you can only use the past year and the year before's cards. However, they should all be official cards, and I think some tournaments will let you use older ones. The white border just means it's one of the "core" sets, which used to have white borders before set 10. Also, Magic is printed in Japanese, so those cards should be ok for casual.

Who does Congress/Senate think they are?

The constitution provides a seperation of powers. The legislative branch's duty is to write the laws not to enforce them, that's the Judicial branch's job. So why does Congress think they have a right to question people (ie baseball players about steroid use. BTW I'm not defending the ball players, just questioning authority) and why does no one else have an issue with this?

1970's cover?

Are you saying that you dont like the doors, bad company, steve miller band, the who or the guess who? Nothing at all from that era... You've gotta be joking the doors rock!!

What is the fairfax county virginia web page for divorce?

it page has the like 45 page form to print out for the 6 month seperated !! ugg i had it now i cantfind it!!

Where's thilan samaraweera?

he comes in too late in the ODI team. because he takes lot of to settle in it will affect the scoring rate. but as we can see how SL middle order is performing, he might be the best option at the time

Doesn't this video look like McCain's economics all over again?

this only works for you if people do not realize that the democrats put regulations forcing banks to give loans to low income people who could not pay it back....they were also dumb because with the housing boom it drove up prices artificially. Want to take a bet on how many people defaulted because they do not make enough money? LOL

It is okay for a digital camera to have purple lines show up in the lcd?

like if i point in a bright area, the lcd shows a purple line or haze, but it doesn't come up in the pictures. i read it's normal but just looking for conformation ,I'm just wondering since i brought a refurbished unit.

So the Lakers won. Kobe Finals MVP again? So, Kobe>Jordan now? BQ inside?

Look, Kobe and Jordan's games are compared a lot because they are very similar in style of play and abilities. It's the only reason people compare the both of them; and because they are proven winners. You say Kobe can't win without a 7 foot scorer yet why does Jordan get a free p on Pippen who is a top 50 player of all time? The fact is both are great players and both have the same intensity and will to win. Honestly I think both are equal to each other. Championships are just reminders of how good a team is not, it's not an individual thing.

HELP! Poetry project!?

I need the title of a song that relates to Langston Hughes' "The Weary Blues". Please do not respond with "pick some blues song".

Monday, August 8, 2011

Do i have grounds to file a lawsuit against my ex-landlord?

no hun!!! people shouldnt be alowed to treat others like this. get him done, he's in the wrong!!!! hope he gets wat he deserves!

How to get from Lexington, KY to the Kentucky Derby?

Just moved to Lexington, KY and I am planning on going to the Derby this year. Is there was any way to get to Church Hill other than driving from Lexington to avoid the drinking and driving on the way back....any buses?

Undergraduate Education--The question of the day: Public versus Private?

I've gotten into Boston College and American (with an honors program/dean scholarship offer to the latter). I'm also applying to a slew of other top-ranked colleges and universities back east. However, I also live in Oakland, CA--about ten minutes away from likely the best public school in the world. So here it is guys; weigh out your arguments for private versus public undergraduate education

Is it normal?.....................?

Is it normal to think about having kids and imagining what they would look like with every girlfriend i have? i know for women this is normal but for men, its usually not the first thing on our minds LOL. For some reason i really want to have kids and just expiernce my wife/girlfriend being pregnant and then having a little person running around.....but this normal or can someone tell me why i might be having these fantasies all the sudden btw im 20 and well refined.

What is the meaning of 'leuke site' ?

someone said it on my site...well i said days later someone else asks me whether i know the meaning...n now i wonder if it's something bad..geez

What dangerous animals are there in St Lucia?

I'm scared of the sea - so especially wary of sharks, jellyfish, and scorpions (anything that can hurt me)

Let me rephrase...if the universe is only 8000 yrs old as creationists claim...?

How can we see light from a star that is 100 million light years away? (Since it would take 100 million years for that light to reach the earth)

Are thre any good papers / discussions / sites that you're aware of that discuss different bible translations?

I am not english speaker but Bibles in english are better for me..even I have read NITV they contain a lot of words from other sources according to them compare the masoteric text and samaritan text of the torah and new testament is always enterily from greek version.. I have read in spanish the protestant reina valera,catholic version called the latino version of the Bible but it doesn't have nothing to see with vulgate and the jehovah witnesses called new word of holy scriptures or something like that.. I found no differences only some spanish versions insert the word in many pages..

What do you think of this guy Behavior? Does he like me?

for him to talk to you for 2.5hrs and be over you in a day is impossible... he seems like a shy guy if you like him maybe you need to take the lead for a little bit and break his shyness

Is it hard to open a Ecommerce MERCHANT account?

My credit was good until I had a probelm with one card taht was closed last week due to a missed payment. This is on my personal credit but can I still get a merchant acct in my LLC name? thanks

Anyone else notice the striking similarities between Sodom and Gomorrah and the U.S.A?

(In refrence to the widespread and growing acceptance and even encouragement of ity as well as sin and immorality in general)

Money problems?

ok me and my fiance knew this was coming. i wasnt gonna be able to work as much as i used to. geez ive only got two more weeks til im due. so i hardly even make any money anymore and after this week ill be off work on maternity leave. possibly induced next tuesday so anyways i have my car payment and insurance that he hasnt helped me with at all. even though he drives it more than i do and i supported him for the three months he was unemployed. how am i supposed to count on him to help me raise a son if he cant even support me or himself?


SO i met this guy at a party Saturday night. I went back with him and we had (i know, not cly!) the next day we snuggled and talked and asked for my number and then he took me back to my dorm. Monday he added me on facebook. Tuesday he facebook chatted me and then texted me an hour later saying "hey its ____, i dont think i gave you my number so im shooting you a txt. hit me up sometime :)" i wrote back saying "i will :)" and he never wrote back. Now today is wednesday, when do you think i should text him? Im not very big on ever texting a guy first but he said to hit him up. Do you think i should just wait for him to text me even though he said that? Could i text him today? If so what should i say?

The automatic 2004 Mazda RX-8 I looked at today had a rough idle. The guy said it was because of a rotary. Tru

Yes, it is true that rotary engines have rough idle. It is due to the fact that they have low compression. If you are concerned, you can take it to a mechanic to check it out. One thing to remember is to NEVER put synthetic oil in it. It probably needs a tune up.


Got Sims 2 Castaway on DS n so far so good! Don't know what it's like on other formats tho. Looks like a good game so far.

Is hollywood undead going to make another album or more songs?

HU is my favorite band and there songs are getting kind of old but they are still good. I have listened to all of there songs a whole bunch of times.... does anyone know if they will come out with new music?

How do you get rid of sugar ants in your home without calling an exterminator?

I have sugar ants all over my room, and it is such a nuisance. is there any home remedies of deterring these little critters from crawling all over my room?

Would you like to have the avon brochure e-mail to you instead of the paper one?

People can go to the Avon website to view and buy the products directly. What would be the benefits of getting the entire catalog in email?

Who is your favorite out of these 6 teen celebrities?

hmm..the keke palmer was on this talk show and i thougth she seemed really cool ..but im gonna have to go with selena gomez..and shes so adorable! ^_^

What are the limitations and sources of uncertainty when using a pendulum experiment to calculate 'g'?

What kind of things can i mention in my evaluation other than for the effect of damping from air resistance. Also, what are the limitations of using a spring in a similar experiment and by dropping a ball and measuring the time it takes to fall.

How much money is the world worth?

If you estimate the property values of all the buildings, land, cars, instruments, valuables, .... of every person, corporation, and government in the world and add them together, what would be the monetary value of the entire Earth?

What is carbon footprint?

The amount of carbon used in everything that you do and need, put together. For example, if you buy a bottle of water, your carbon footprint grows because the plastic from the bottle contains carbon, and is made from oil.


I'm watching oprah, and it's disgusting! how do we protect our children & the children of america? its about child and its very heartbreaking and saddening. how can i help? how can all of us help?

Is Hershey Track and Field Competitive?

I was looking for a track and field event when I came across Hershey's Track and Field. My only concern is that it may not be competitive!! Does any know anything about the event??

What happens in the first Terminator?

I need a really good summary of what happens in the movie with a little bit more detail than what you can find online. That or a a good HD torrent.

Is this an abusive relationship?

That is one that can't stay. It will be hard to get him away from her just because that is his first ual partner. He also will stick up for her more because if he disagrees with her she can deprive him of . Right now you can't do anything but talk to him and find her weaknesses then play off those. I would say that he will eventually find out and get over it but he may not. And everytime they have a fight show him that there are other girls that won't treat him like c. She also sounds like the kind of girl that won't get married. If you are not affraid of standing up for someone or confrontation if she hits him in front of you remark on it so that he knows its not ok and make it sound like he would stand up for himself. Hope thus helps.

Why does ual reproduction require both meiosis and syngamy?

because two creatures are involved and their genetic info has to combine before they can successfully reproduce-syngamy-is that combining-and-meiosis is the cell division that then occurs .

Why do men claim to prefer women who don't wear make-up...?

Then talk about how hot all these stupid women are, like Jessica Simpson, Carmen Electra, Pam Anderson, etc. (who wear TONS of makeup)?? PLEEEEEASE....

Why can't people just forge and counterfeit dollars from many years ago with different designs?

The older bills eventually get taken out of circulation. As they go through financial institutions, they are pulled and replaced. But even still, I get a stray oldie from time to time. So yea, it's as simple as you thought.

Should America use it earthquake machine on Venezuela?

You better be quick Ray, before Nature uses it on the US (San Andreas fault or the Yellowstone National Park super-volcano)!!

Any suggestions?

Have you ready any George R R Martin? Out of this world :-) His Ice and Fire saga is one of the best I have ever read. My husband also loves Robert Jordan. Enjoy!

Is there any relation between alkality and total hardness of water?

Im using a De- alkalizer system at water treatment. is there any relation between alkalinity and total harness of water? i noticed that once the alkalinty of water is very high, the total hardness is almost zero. Once the alkalinity is very low the total hardness is very high. The situation is that our de- alkalizer was newly regenerate using sulfuric acid.

4-Way Trade..MIA, DET, CHA, DAL?

Why does the Hobbit have so many typos and grammatical errors?

If you're reading an online version, it was probably scanned from a printed book and the scanning process introduced errors, as it often does. Or somebody typed it in and made typos but that's less likely (that is, that someone typed the whole dang thing). That book is still copyrighted so if you're reading an online-free version, it's pirated.

Mild cramping 5 DPO? Good sign of pregnancy?

i have been having some mild cramping (lighter than af) and gas and headaches i was wondering if anyone else had these symptoms and got a BFP?

Can I rent a Corvette (or other exotic) from the Indianapolis International Airport (IND)?

Flying in for a couple days to attend a wedding and would like to add a little spice to my trip. Thanks!

Does the Bible portray a human "race" that's "run" by Law vs Grace until the end it's one winner take all?

And your question is....? I would like to point out a few things: 1) Moses' law did have mercy (what do you think the sacrifice's were for) 2) Grace does have sacrifice (why do you think Jesus told us to take up a cross and follow). 3) Most people would not agree with all of your interpretations/equivocations. There is not as much conflict between law and grace as your post wants to show. I think Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law, but fulfill it, and that not the tiniest stroke or mark would p away (even heaven and earth would p away before that would happen). The bible does not talk much about "race" although it does distinguish the Hebrew nation from the Gentiles, and then removes this distinction. In the end, it's not one winner take all. God has already and always had all of it, he's not the winner, He's the one who set it up, and as a result all of those called will have gain with him (but it's not a game).

Painfull ingrown hair under my armpit!?

The lump is the size or a large pea and it really hurts to touch, what can I do? Im female so I shave or wax which i cant do at the moment as it hurts.